Old 10-16-2012, 11:53 AM
Power Poster
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Lowell, MA
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I don't think you are greedy at all. Many, many years ago (when my kids were small, they're 35 &37 now) I literally burned out the motor on my Sears Kenmore, went to the local sewing machine shop and bought a Singer (I forget which model), but when I bought it I told the dealer that I wanted a machine that would stand up to the hours and hours of sewing and quilting that I was doing. Well, one year or so later, I'm preparing a quilt for a quilt show - time is short and my machine went "postal" and had a "meltdown". I took it back to the dealer, where one gentleman said there was nothing wrong with it, then the owner came over and he showed me the Janome 4000, and let me test drive it. He said he would give me the full price I paid for the Singer in trade for the Janome, so instead of $900, it was $300. I'm hoping I don't jinx it, but she and I have been "best buds" ever since. I also have a Brother that I got for free at our local trash incinerator where people dropped off items too good to throw away and this gentleman was going up the stairs with this Brother machine, still in it's original box, well, it came home with me and was a great stand-in when the Janome was in for a tune up. Then just before leaving our home of 33 years a friend drops by with a Kenmore machine, which is very close to the bells and whistles of my Janome. At one point I had 6 machines, but now I'm down to 3, although I haven't spent much time with the other 2 machines, I know they are there, it's nice to have a back-up plan, although I should take them out of the closet and use them occasionally and give my Janome a rest. I don't think it's ever greedy to have something to use for something you love.
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