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Old 10-18-2012, 07:26 AM
feline fanatic
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It looks wonderful. Your needle turn applique is amazing and your quilting stitches look great. Now for the constructive critique you asked for....

I have always heard that traditonal hawaiian applique quilts, the echo quilting is always one finger width apart. Your's looks much closer than that, giving a look of traditional stippling (not meander but true tradtional stipple quilting) as opposed to echoing. Once you get all the quilting done, you will see you won't have the look of echoing in your quilting, it will look like dense stippling all around the applique and the shape of your breadfruit applique will not be obviously repeated as a more widely spaced echo quilt would do. I wouldn't change what you have now, just use this info for your future bedsize one or if you truly want the visual, echo the remaining lines further apart and you will immediatly see what I mean.

I would suggest if you are going for the true tradtional look of Hawaiian quilts space your echo lines of quilting further apart. Much less work and I think you will be happier with the end result. .
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