Thread: Which stitch?
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Old 10-24-2012, 04:04 PM
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You did a really great job on your quilt.

As for quilting: what would you want to do? Are you using your DSM? You can meander [which is a stipple only larger] or draw a design. Practice on a quilt sandwich first though.

If you have lots of down time in many small amounts you might consider hand quilting it. Or yu just might want to do it by hand anyway. You can work on it at meetings, while watching TV with friends or family members, while at sports meets if you go there. You can take it with you to any appointments, except job hunting [joke.] There are tutes available online. You can use Tiger Tape if you want or not.

However you qilt it, remember to put on a label!

If you don't already belong to a quilt guild/group now would be the time to see if you could fit it into your schedule. I have learned soooo much from all my quilting buddies. The memories are precious.

The first quilt I ever made I hand quilted it and it looks great even after 45+ years. I hope it becomes an heirloom quilt in our family.

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