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Old 10-26-2012, 05:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Pollytink View Post
I have a related question.....on another thread (can't remember which one) they were talking about batting having a scrim and said that on the W&N site they explained and showed it. I couldn't find it anywhere on their site and am wondering if the issue of having a scrim or not is related to this issue. I did check the link to APQS and saved the pics they have there but I gather that it's not as much of an issue on a dm rather than a longarm? Thanks!
Yes, the scrim has everything to do with it. With W&N and W&W, the scrim side should be next to the back of your quilt. It's the flatter, whiter side (even on W&W it's slightly whiter and definitely flatter). 'Bump it up' is what I've always used to remind me which way is up and it DOES make a difference on DSM's, at least for me...possibly because I usually have black backings.

When quilting with the scrim side down, you are duplicating the way the batting was needlepunched and the batting fibers remain secure in the scrim. With the scrim side up, you are actually 'unpunching' the batting fibers and pushing them through the backing fabric.

One other thing to remember if you permanently fuse fabric, like with Wonder-Under, directly to your batting...fusing fabric to the scrim side can result in a permanently 'less than smooth' surface.
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