Old 10-29-2012, 11:54 AM
Yarn or Fabric
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Default Spins a web any size, catches thieves just like flies... Look Out!

I'm making a Spiderman quilt behind my husband's back. Sadly I didn't cover my tracks. I cut all the material out and put it away.. and forgot to dump my craft room trash can! Yup. He doesn't do it often but he actually emptied my trash can and the Spidery snippets were on top so I know he saw what fabric I am currently working with...

Anyhooo... It's the same Oriental Garden quilt that I made for my sister's wedding present... but this looks much different. To me, it looks like the red and blue are floating on top of the Spidey fabric. It's kinda cool... not quite what I had mentally envisioned but cool nonetheless.

I'm going to do something else on the back of it. I haven't decided what yet but I do like making double sided quilts as often as I can. The back will be a quicker to finish thing. I was thinking maybe a big log cabin with Spidey fabrics mixed in there.. we'll see what happens once I rummage through the stash...
Attached Thumbnails spiderman-quilt.jpg  
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