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Old 11-03-2012, 07:41 PM
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Location: Metrowest Boston but still a true NYer
Posts: 324
Default Disapointing Quilt Show

Dh and I went to NH (1.5 hrs away) today to the Quilters Gathering show. I haven't been there in about 8 yrs. Last time I got some really good show prices on items. Today, there was nothing worth buying. The quilts were absolutely beautiful, but the vendors all had the same things, fabrics and patterns. Nothing exciting. I only bought 1 pattern on the insistance of dh and $125 worth of Superior threads. I just hope my Bernina's like the thread brand. They are very fussy about the thread I use. They hate Sulky. So between gas, parking, breakfast and lunch, admission and purchases I could have stayed home and did my shoppong on the internet. was boiling hot in the hotel making my stay much shorter. If I sound like I'm complaining....I'm not, just disapointed. It seems like all these shows are moving in a different direction. My machine dealer sent an email apologizing for not having a booth at the show this year. And she is the largest dealer around. Is this happening all over the country? A very dissapointing day, at least my dh's company made it a good day. He's a trooper for putting up with my hobbies. Maybe cause I put up with his hobbies too.
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