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Old 11-05-2012, 01:59 PM
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 51

Adorable. I had my BIL dog for a few years. We had a cat who was a bit of a loose lady and delivered way to many litters a year. But she didn't take care of them. She would feed them and take off. The dog would go over and clean them, snuggle them until mom returned to feed them. When they became mobile, the dog would chase them done and round them up for hours on end. (Farm country so lots of cats)
But I can top this one. We had a collie who one day strolled out of her house with 11 puppies. Well, we also had chickens and there was one poor chick that the others always picked at and wouldn't let stay in the coop. That chicken moved into the dog house with mom and the puppies. I would be it chicken food, but all it would eat was dog food. That poor chicken was heart broken when the pups went to their new homes. I had pictures of it but somehow my son lost them. It was so strange to see the big collie, 11 puppies and one white chicken strolling around the yard.
brenda in MI
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