Old 11-08-2012, 07:17 PM
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The easiest thing I've seen is to use old T-shirts. Found it on Pinterest and am doing a project with our church Sunday school next week. Just cut off the sleeves, leaving the seam, then cut down around the neckine to open it wider. Sew across the bottom of the shirt to make it a bag. Sew easy, and a great way to help the planet. It can be washed easily, and since the fabric has little fray to it, it's not necessary to hem around the openings. the armholes become the handles, and they can be all sizes. We asked folks to donate old Ts and I got a bunch at our local recycling center where people can drop off old clothing. http://www.instructables.com/id/FAST...HIRT-TOTE-BAG/ Great project for kids and teaches them the importance of keeping plastics out of our environment. We always use store reusable cloth bags and with washing there are no more germs on them than on anything else that comes into the house - your purse, your car seats, your shoes. I use natural veggie wash on produce, anyway.
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