Thread: pillow quilt
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Old 10-17-2009, 07:37 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Pittsburg, Kansas
Posts: 110

Iwas just starting an answer to your question on chat and the power went out. So, here goes here!
You really don't need a pattern for a pillow quilt. There is one pictured in one of my books and it looks easy. I was going to make one and it never happened.
Just cut squares--these look like 4" and make a backing--it looks like muslin, but it could be anything. Cut a slit in the back, hen put batting in--by layers, as you want it to lay flat. After you get the batting in and you are satisfied with how it looks and feels, just stitch the slit shut.
After all are stitched shut , just stitch the rows.
I realize you will have seams, but those could be finger-pressed flat and pinked.
If you want me to send this picture my email is:
[email protected]
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