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Old 11-09-2012, 09:52 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2012
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Originally Posted by katesnanna View Post
Does nobody in America line dry fabric. I always wash first but if I had a situation like this I would gentle wash in the laundry tub then hang on the line. I know a lot of you ladies get snow and other bad weather but surely everyone has some fine weather.
I know I'm lucky where I live because we get lots of sunshine (Queensland is known as the Sunshine State) but I haven't owned a dryer in almost 20 years. The only fabric that gets washed in the washing machine is muslin in multiple meters. Every thing else is hand washed, squeezed gently then line dried. After it's dry it is folded or put on boards. I don't iron until I'm ready to use fabric.
Well I am in Canada and cannot speak to what people in the USA do. One of the features that had us buying the house we have lived in for the past 15 years was the clothes line. I can use it about 7 months of the year. It is too damp from about now through March, there is no way towels could dry.. But on a sunny winter day I will at least hang my pillow cases even if I have to iron them dry.

But three neighbours have removed their clothes lines.

There was a court challenge in Ontario a few years ago against HOAs that banned clothes lines. Those that wanted clothes lines won for environmental reasons.

I do use the washing machine for all my laundry.
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