Old 11-10-2012, 12:56 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 683

First I must finish Uploading to the Moodle for a college class. The class itself is very interesting but the computer stuff is not! The instructor tries very hard not to say "old" but rather (there are several of us) 'those of you in the more experienced category"! Anyway I have completed the 20 quizzes, done 7 of the 13 papers and then have to take the final next week. After that I can enjoy Thanksgiving with my loved ones. Then I must finish sewing several costumes for our community theater. Then come two quilted wall hangings for Christmas that must be done early. Throw in singing tonight and tomorrow at a Veterans Salute, church bazaar after services, storm coming tonight so must get outdoor stuff ready, packing to leave for trip on Monday, laundry, clean out fridge, vacuuming, dusting, etc. etc.
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