Thread: Bernina advice?
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Old 10-17-2009, 06:15 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2008
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Originally Posted by sandpat techie said that when you transport...its common for things to get a tad "off"...and he was talking about it can happen to them too. I have taken mine to a couple of classes and it hasn't happened to her yet..but it could I guess. I still love her though!
Berninas are built with expectations of traveling to classes or wherever. That's why their accessories case snaps onto them, that's for travel and taking goodies with it. I've drug my Bernina back and forth to classes for nearly three years, and quite a few classes at that. Not even a hint of a complaint from the machine. Actually I've flown across country with it and didn't need anything tweaked or repaired on arrival, and it was not taken as a carry on, but in its original box as cargo. Taking my Bernina to classes -- I don't even give it a second thought. These machines are shipped all over the country and world every day by dealers near and far and they arrive just fine, and seldom with anything wrong.
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