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Old 11-13-2012, 09:54 AM
MonaMcC's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 61

Beautiful picture. Every time I see a Blue Bird now it tugs at my heart. My Mom passed away on Valentines' Day in 2007 and on that very sad morning I was looking out at her back yard. We had spent many hours planting flowers and working on a small Koi pond that she could see from her kitchen. We had seen redbirds, mocking birds and finches but never any Bluebirds. Until that morning. She had a bird feeder close to the pond and sitting atop the feeder and atop the black iron holder were two Bluebirds that stayed right there for the longest time looking toward the house. It was almost like they were there to somehow brighten the day. I told my family and friends that came that day it was almost like they were my Mom and Dad there to help me through the day.
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