Old 11-19-2012, 01:54 PM
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OK, I'll play too. Our house is mostly done in blacks, dark browns, and stainless steel with flashes of color here & there. I call it the bachelor pad that accidentally had a family. When my boyfriend and I started dating, he was just building the house and picking out the furniture & appliances. Of course, because I was the "new girlfriend" his best friend's wife did post of the picking out of everything with him. Less than a year after he moved in, I moved in with him, then 6 months later my son decided to come back to live with me (long story). We're pretty minimalist, and even though the house is over 6 years old, the only thing hung on the walls is the big mirror by the front door. Luckily he likes bright colors, so long as they go with black, so we have things like neon orange bed sheets, red/green/purple/mustard yellow/blue/black placemats that I can only describe as maybe African or Aboriginal inspired, and a stained glass Auburn University fireplace cover. Our dining room table, which he brought with him when he moved here from Denmark 10 years ago, is currently natural colored, but we have plans to eventually stain it black, because all things furniture should be black when you're a minimalist, right? He's a cat person and I'm a dog person, so we have no pets, but when we finally get around to getting married, he wants to start raising kids again (my son turned 20 today). I currently don't have a sewing room, but I'm trying to talk him into letting me have half the quest room. Unless some of his family visits, we may have company overnight twice a year, so I think it should go to good use!

I bought my fabrics today. I sat down this morning and drew out what I wanted to do, then I got to Hobby Lobby and all my plans went out the window. I'm contemplating going back for a little piece of this one fabric I saw though, to make a snowglobe effect. If it doesn't make it onto this project, I'll be doing it soon on something else.

I also bought a little fat quarter bundle of fabrics that remind me of Hawaii that I'm going to use to make mug rugs for the ladies in my boyfriend's office. I've been trying to think of something different for one of them though, since she's retiring at the end of December, and resisting the urge to make her an Auburn lap quilt. I think I must do that for my boyfriend's mother though. Maybe next year.
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