Old 11-21-2012, 08:24 AM
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Default How to Cut Sashings..need a "...for dummies" version lesson!

Can anyone do a "...for dummies" version of how to cut sashings...salvage to salvage or length of fabric like with the fold or with the salvage edges? I was reading a discussion here about which way...and stetching etc, but realized I didn't know what the options are and why. LOF and WOF..what do those stand for? Length of fabric and width of fabric?

I have been doing S to S thinking that I didn't want a big long sash due to stretching, but in this discussion they say it stretches that way...and I try to make short sashings anyway...but still sometimes like for the borders you just need one long piece sashing..I cut two and sew them together (not on the bias to stop stretching) and I still see that I get some stretch that way... I can usually ease it in and it isn't that noticable after I do the FMQ'ing. but I'd like to be able to do it so there is no stretch!

And I also just cut the binding S toS and sew them together on the bias but I want a tad of stretch as that seems to help in putting it on and keeping it all straight and enough stretch to go over the edges etc.

I do admit, I am less than eager to deal with bias...but if it is the best way to go...maybe someone can tell about how to cut that and when to use it on the bias.

So can anyone give hte details as to which way to cut for least bit of stretch and the how to's and whys of both ways? Thanks so much!
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