Old 11-22-2012, 06:46 PM
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Default Tom the Turkey Right Left Thanksgiving Game

We like to play the right left game at Christmas time with our family. This time my granddaughter called last night and asked if we could play it today after dinner.
I didn't find but one boring story online so I wrote my own. My DGD Rachel (10) read the story this time and she did a great job of it.

To play the game you need presents enough for each person to have one. Pass out the presents. As the story is read when it says Right you pass the present right and when it says left you pass it left. It can be hilarious as everyone tries to keep up with which way the presents are supposed to go.
When the story ends everyone opens the present they ended up with. this time my mom wrapped up some fun Christmas ornaments she was going to pass out to them today anyway. so when Rachel asked to play the game it gave Mom the perfect way to hand them out.

Here is my story I wrote last night.

Tom Turkey

Thanksgiving was coming and right now Tom the turkey was worried! He left his house and turned right at the corner of the hen house. He needed to see if his girlfriend Tina was right at home in the left nest box on the right side of the far wall. He had left her there last night and right now he needed to talk to her right away!

There were rumors flying left and right around the barnyard that turkeys didn’t have much time left! He had the right to find out.
The rooster told Tom he was right to be worried! The farmer was selling all the left over turkeys to the butcher right after he put the ones he wanted right in his own freezer.

That left Tom and Tina only one right option! They must leave right away.

Tom and Tina left the henhouse and right then Tom had a thought. If they left right now no one would know they had left until right after supper time tonight. Right when he started to open the left side of the barn door he ran right into his friend Angus the cat who’s right ear drooped due to a fight he had lost. Angus showed them the right hole to use to get under the right side of the barnyard fence.

When they left they knew it was the right thing to do. Tom and Tina lived a long life and were left alone to raise their babies right in the timber where the turkey kids ran right and left as they learned to fly away. Which left Tom and Tina feeling they had raised their kids right!
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