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Old 11-22-2012, 10:21 PM
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My husband had psoriasis on his hands. I used this basic formula and added Burgamoot and glycerin and his hands are doing very good. I also gave it to an elderly neighbor who had been going to a wound Dr. For an injury to his leg. It started to heal and he went to Mich and the cold caused it to break open again. The Dr. Advised to keep cream on it to keep it moist. He was going every 3 days back to the wound Dr. I gave him a jar and he told me the wound Dr. Could not believe the difference. The Dr. Wanted the ingredients and my "recipe". I just make a big batch and estimate the amounts to put in until the consistency looks right. I did have to order the Burgamoot online and I did not have the vitamin A cream. My friends all love it and it probably costs me about $6 per jar to make. It is a great gift for Christmas and most likely the receiver will want more. It has a nice fresh smell and several of my male friends use it also. Great stuff.
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