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Old 11-25-2012, 01:34 AM
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Default Tips for making Christmas less stressful
After reading this topic I though I would start a topic for tips to make Christmas a bit less stressful for the Cook of the house.

Vegetables: Nothing worse than over/under cooked vegetables and what a lot of work to do on the day, well prepare beforehand! Start about 2 weeks before Christmas and sit with a tray and a knife etc. in front of the TV, or at the kitchen table if you prefer start preparing your vegetables, not potatoes. Have on the stove a large pan of salted water brought up to the boil and have in your sink a clean washing up bowl full of iced cold water.

When the sprouts are prepared pop them into the pan put on lid and cook until nearly cooked (il dente) immediately remove them with a sieve or slotted spoon and put them into the iced water until completely cold. Then what I do is to place a clean dry tea towel in my freezer basket and lay the sprouts out in it. This way the following morning you could put them in a freezer bag, free-flow.

You can do the same with most other vegetables, on the big day take out the veg you need in the morning and pop into a serving dish with a tablespoon of water and a knob of butter, salt and pepper. Cover with baking foil then pop into the oven to heat up.

I like my Parsnips for roasting this way, cutting them into nice large pieces and pop them onto a roasting tray with dripping straight from the freezer, along with your roast potatoes. Mashed potatoes, don't bother doing your own get those wonderful easy peasy frozen ones and put in serving dish cover and pop in the over, or microwave until hot and creamy.

Don't stuff the turkey do it in a separate dish, prepare the day before it you want, the peel a couple of onions and pop them into the turkey cavity it sweetens the meat, and the men of the house will love them. If you like garlic, take out a bit of the centre of the onion and pop a clover, or tsp of crushed garlic.

Have any of you ladies got some special tips?
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