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Old 11-26-2012, 09:28 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: Saskatoon SK Canada
Posts: 280

I did something similar last year. I started off the year with: finish two UFO's before I could start something new. As part of my UFO's I did include a boy quilt for my great nephew, and while I was doing it used up a huge stash and made many boy baby quilts. As a result I finished many quilts, and FMQ many of the quilt tops that I had almost finished. Nine quilts finished, and additional 7 quilts finished and FMQ. I ended off the year with a brand new project which I started, and almost finished at a quilt retreat. I still don't have the borders on it, but if I can ever sit down at the sewing machine will get it done.

I did go out and purchase fabric if I needed it to finish a UFO, but it was always a small amount, and I found that in my stash I had enough for most of the backing's as well. I purchased what I needed because I did not want to put something on as a backing that I didn't think suited the quilt.

It's interesting how we all fight hoarding fabric, and how we all have different ways of trying to cope with it.

I am, by the way, continuing on with my "use up the stash" and "finish the projects" again this year. I'm going to try to get some more quilts actually quilted when I have a break at Christmas time.

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