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Old 11-27-2012, 07:21 AM
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Long Beach CA
Posts: 25

Originally Posted by MTS View Post
Hi Angie and welcome.

Sorry for the delay in responding.

Nope, Dotty doesn't need defending as she did nothing wrong.

First - the copyright relating to the photo.

When I made that comment upthread, I was referring to the picture used in the op, which was from your blog.
You might not know it, but YOU have a copyright on the photo since you took it
Now, either because people don't know or they don't care, that kind of copying happens all the time.
I'm positive in this case Ariane just didn't realize it, and I wouldn't even have bothered mentioning it if "copyright" hadn't been brought into the discussion.

I just shrug it off as since it's so prevalent, and a huge out-of-control, can't-put-it-back-in-the-box issue.
There is really no enforcement of it unless the copyright holder makes a stink about it.
And the ease with which it can be done gives the illusion that there is nothing wrong with it.

Also, since many people don't care about their own pictures being copied, it's harder to convince the others that, even outside the copyright issue, it's just a basic issue of respect of ownership.

I'm sure you noticed that many bloggers and websites, perhaps because they are more aware of the issue, are now marking their pics and drawings in different ways.
Some put the name of their website/blog discreetly at the bottom, some put a HUGE watermark though the whole picture.
Many sites/blogs are now blocking their photos from being pinned to Pinterest - I think I read somewhere that "blocking" is the third most used feature on the site.
I find that really interesting.

Anyway, it's your decision how far you want to go (or not go).
As to the how, any photo editing software will have the feature, or you can just add it to your picture with Paint or some similar software.
I don't know what you have or are using, so I can't get specific.

And your concern about the book copyright......when you taught your workshop, did you rewrite the instructions?
Or are you using a copy from the book?
Because that cat is already out of the bag. ;-)

As for the size of the block, Ariane and I had already discussed this via PM.
I just guess-timated a starting width based on the photograph.
The 2" FINISHED border HST pockets I wrote upthread are correct because my directions include logs that are 1" FINISHED.

If Ariane wants a bigger block, then the log size has to change, but the proportions stay the same.
Meaning, the FINISHED size of the HST pocket blocks will always be twice the size of the FINISHED log width.
The sashing width and background white snowball squares will always be the same as the logs.

If you are using 3-1/2 cut squares (folded), then your logs are 1.5" FINISHED (2" cut).
Otherwise the math doesn't work and the square won't fit.

Yes, it is 2 1/2 inch pocket block!...I'm just about finished with the advent, using mts's calculations.
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