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Old 11-27-2012, 06:59 PM
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Boulder Creek, CA
Posts: 34
Default Need some advice

MIL used to make quilts with a faux fur backing. They were generally/always (as far as I know) one length of fur, hence no piecing needed. She left me 2 lengths of fur, one of which is now dedicated to a quilt for DD#2. Imagine my surprise/shock/horror when I realized that the thing was NOT 62-ish inches long, it was 124 inches long... And 62 wide, so it would make a nice quilt for a human toothpick, UNLESS I piece it into much shorter and wider piece. I have played with the graph paper, and have decided I can get it to 78" long and 83 wide...

What's the best way to stitch the seams? I am thinking that a standard seam will be thick (thicker than I want or think appropriate as the back of a quilt) and really ought to have all the fur in the selvage clipped off. Which is not remotely something I'm interested in doing! I don't have electric clippers, or the hands with which to do it manually, although I suppose I could sacrifice a razor and get rid of the fur that way... I was hoping I could do something like run some wide tape up the back side of the seams to help strengthen the edges of the fur, which are NOT strong, and do a blanket stitch or big fat zigzag that would open just enough to allow the edges to butt together, without allowing a gape.

I don't need an answer yesterday, because I'm working on the face, and I'm only at the starching stage... But I DO need to know the best way to join the pieces together, other than Mom's Magic Wand, which broke years ago.

Waiting hopefully for a brilliant idea to be relayed to me...

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