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Old 12-08-2012, 04:39 AM
sew really
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: Southeast Texas
Posts: 6

[QUOTE=sharkee;5703783]I currently have the Janome 6600P and the 12000 but for some reason I really want the 8900. I would have to trade in my 6600 for the 8900 and was wondering what you think.

If you have the 8900 what do you like and dislike about the machine and should I consider trading or should I keep my 6600?

Hi, Sharkee

I bought the Janome 8900 Otober 29th. Never having owned a Janome before I can't compare. But I find the area where you replace your needle a little difficult to maneuver. I have only made garments, no quilts. Have tried several of the programmed stitches and for the most part, like it. I am in the process of making 'chenille' pillows. Got the e-book from the Quilting Board site.

Overall, I like the machine. If you have a particular question, maybe I can give you an answer.

Am still trying to learn how to navigate this website.

sew really...aka...Melody
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