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Old 12-09-2012, 08:07 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 117

I bought a Hinterberg frame from a friend who had purchased it from someone who was moving. My friend had set it up but never actually used it and I suspect that the woman she bnought it from rarely used it eiither. I picked it up for $300. I am embarassed to say that it is sitting in a corner of my basement and I have not even tried to set it up (I've had it for at least a year.) I also have 2 singer 201's- one my mother used daily which sits in a cabinet and 1 my dad had picked up at a rummage years ago for $1- also runs great but need to purchase a darning foot for it. Feathers, you may have motivated me to put the 2 together and quilt on a frame! I suppose I'll ask myself what took so long!!!!
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