Old 12-12-2012, 08:55 AM
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Yorkville, IL
Posts: 7,639

Brenda said it best, Bellfry! I seldom spend more than $10 and then just a few cents more. I have a "swap box"and I add stuff as I find it. I go all over the place and find great stuff at bargain prices...Estate sales, church sales, thrift shops,Goodwill, $ stores, Michaels, Joann's,Tuesday Morning, Marshalls and I do regift if it is something I have already. Lots of the swapers love tea and I put a few in a baggie and send that along. I know my packages have gotten a lot better as time has gone on. Personally, I love old magazines, old patterns, etc. and I have found a lot of those at garage sales for 50 cents. I read those books and pass them on. A local quilter moved from here to Arizona a few months ago and she gave me about 25 books...some are duplicates of ones I have and love...perfect for a SP! I was at a quilt show a few months ago and out of date magazines were 25 cents each....some for me & some for SP!
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