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Old 12-12-2012, 12:32 PM
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Originally Posted by luvstoquilt View Post
So Sad! Did you ever find your mother?

I love traditions and we have a lot. I have a velvet Santa that was at my grandmother's since I was a child...I am 71 now. I used to put it out first and put it away last...then I got smart! I bought a glass dome and Santa is out all the time. We gave the children new pjs on Christmas eve so the pictures would be nice on Christmas morning and our stockings were put in the kids beds..they got "old lady" cotton stockings that held a lot and gave us an extra hour to sleep. Nice! I just had sons so some of the traditions are no longer followed but we still have a wonderful time. Merry Christmas every one!
Thanks for asking but no. When I was 15, married and 2 months pregnant we got a call from a family member that she had died. We knew she lived in Mich but never knew where. My husband and my aunt and uncle drove from WV up there and picked up her 3 kids that she had from her second marriage. Which is also a sad story, my Mom died of phenumonia and her husband was traveling for his job and was killed in a car accident both within an hour of each other. Neither one of the ever knew of the other ones death. I actually had met him when we were little and lived in Mich with my mom, he was great. We brought my mom back and burried her in a little cemetary on the mountain. Her three oldest daugthers were all pregnant with her first 3 grandkids when she died but since we never knew where she was she never knew. I have really great memories of my mom, I was in kindergarden when we were taken from her. I feel sorry for my littlest sister because she was only about a yr old and has no memories except for the ones I share with her. My only daughter is named after my mom and I hold my relationship with my daugther closer to my heart than I do my boys I guess because I never had a mom growing up. I'm close to my boys don't get me wrong but I realize just how much a daugther needs to have a mom around; even when my daughter doesn't think the same thing. Which happens when all kids grow up and they think they have all the answers just to end up coming back and asking the questions again. I understand the tradition things with boys, I have 4 and it's my daughter that it's most important to have things the same way each yr. Which includes one thing I forgot to mention. My daugther kick starts every holiday with my spumoni cake. When she's not in the spirit she goes and bakes one and it gets her holiday spirit going. I also make them and bring them into work to share our tradition there too. I love how it seems alot of families have the Christmas PJ tradition. Thank you again for asking. I love thinking of my mom because I have no bad memories of her and knew she loved us 100%. Which is the best gift you can give anyone.
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