Old 12-12-2012, 06:29 PM
Jan in VA
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Location: Piedmont Virginia in the Foothills of the Blue Ridge Mtns.
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Are these fabrics and these blocks all you have of the quilt so far? If there's more, can you post a pic?

The way these blocks are currently designed, the white is very dominant. Also the values are all mediums, little contrast is seen. Perhaps pushing the colors more to the dark, even if they are not technically "in" the floral print, and adding some very light values of the colors (very soft sweet peach, much paler green, a pale, pale blueberry/violet) might help you like the look better.

Sometimes I make a color copy of the block then color it a new way with color pencils; lay that on the quilt and see if it's better.

You have the color families of red (the coral/peach), green, and hints of blue evident. Perhaps adding a pale yellow (the 4th "primary" color) rather than white would help soften the starkness of the white.

Jan in VA
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