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Old 12-16-2012, 08:54 AM
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Join Date: May 2011
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My littlest yorkie used to get into my baskets of test blocks, and I'd come home to them spread out all over the floor. It was like she was checking out each block. My DH said its because she wants a quilt of her own, so that's what I did with some of those test blocks. She never got into the basket again, and enjoyed her quilt immensely. We lost her in March, and buried her in her much loved little quilt. Her sister has her own quilt, too, and I know the day isn't too far that we'll do the same with her - she's 14 next month, going blind and can't hear real well. Our new pup, a Coton De Tulear, has her own quilt now, too. Sadie (the new pup) loves to be covered up at night with her quilt....the look of 'thank you' in her eyes is priceless. I think the fact that we made something makes it more special to them.
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