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Old 02-07-2008, 03:49 PM
Super Member
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Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Pacific NW
Posts: 3,007

Hi Rising Pheonix:
Welcome to the Board. You will just love all the folks on this board and you will have INFINITE help from hundreds of people as near as your keyboard.

Your questions:
My scrappy quilts are completely random. I tried NOT to put colors next to each other that screamed at each other but that's about it. I was told when I was a newbie to NOT OVER THINK a scrap quilt so I don't! :lol:

No question is a dumb question UNLESS IT ISN'T ASKED! Ask your questions because we're all here to help.

On a quilting scale of 1 to 10...10 being the artist/ best quilter on Board I'd fall in the area of about a 3 or 4! I tend to like beginner projects but have done intermediate and advanced quilts. Like the begin/intermediates the best. As a new quilter, you may not know that every quilt you make will teach you TONS for the next project. Each project allows you to see your growth and improvement and that's always wonderful. Also, being able to show your work and maybe having a few OHHHS and AHHHHS and helpful critiques (when you ask for them) also helps you learn.

Welcome, look forward to meeting you on the board often.

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