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Old 10-23-2009, 01:56 PM
Yarn or Fabric
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I wanted to share this link with you guys - I am so not affiliated with the website - I'm just going to be making a purchase..

I posted recently about tree skirt patterns since my friend and I are making several this year - and funny how things fall in to your lap when you are not looking directly for them...

I went to this website in search of the directions for making an ironing board since that is on my weekend to do list... and then saw they offered online classes and I was curious about it and then saw that they had guild classes on this tree skirt and my eyes about popped out of my head since I thought it was so sharp... then got bummed because I didn't have a guild to do this with to share the cost so I wrote in and yup - the pattern can be purchased separately for $5! I'm so stoked! I'm just tickled pink and can hardly stand it! I'm hoping that I can make heads or tails of it before tomorrow morning so that I can work on it tomorrow at my sew in....

Oh! the link to the tree skirt..[url]
It's down at the bottom - Golden Ratio Tree Skirt
I'm hoping all the math is already done for the tree skirt.. boy I'm hoping that's the case since I want to make it tomorrow!
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