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Old 12-27-2012, 06:47 AM
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Location: Santiago, Chile
Posts: 396

January Art Challenge Theme

A New Beginning

We had some good ideas out there for this month including ‘long winter’s nap’ which is quite fun. Altho I am in the middle of 100 degree temps down here in South America I was tempted by a ‘long summer siesta’ for us far away southerners—and yes, I take many of them! with a winter’s nap for you northerners May very well use that for later in the year if you don’t mind……….

But right about now we are all thinking about starting a new year here in the western world. (Not so much in Asia where they nominate another day to begin the new year

I’ll bet you are at least mentally making that list of things to attempt to accomplish in the next twelve months.
It is such a nice round time frame to get things done within.

But when you are thinking of ‘new’, ‘New Year’ and ‘fresh start’ how could you demonstrate that idea in fabric? With something from the past? Or an idea the future? (I’d like clean water, enough food and great educations for us all for instance)

Or perhaps scraps of wedding dress and baby clothes that made the future that you lived and add fresh scraps to represent of hope for a future growing old?

So how would you like to show you hopes for a fresh year and new start?

Can’t wait to see what you come up with.


As usual if you are involved in, or come up with, your own project we are happy to see it and offer advice on the forum.

Also please share your experiments, technical failures and successes so we all don’t have to reinvent the wheel. And we love your photos!
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