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Old 12-27-2012, 10:44 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 538
Default Noob from NH checking in

I just found this board, and think I'll hang my hat here a while since this seems like a nice "busy" board!

I'm not new to sewing, but still consider myself a 'novice' in the arena (have sewn 'easy' clothing patterns, and craft patterns, but shy away from difficult fabrics and patterns). I am totally new to quilting- so new that I had to bookmark a "Quilting Glossary of Terms" recently to figure out what "squaring up" and "FQ" meant. I'm pretty sure I never entirely knew how to regulate the tension on my 25+ y/o Kenmore 385 machine that I bought when I graduated HS, and half the time, I can't tell which side of the fabric is the right side (no, I'm not a complete moron, but it CAN be difficult with certain fabrics- unless there's a trick to recognizing it that I don't yet know about!)

I floundered my way through a quilt for a friend recently (one of those "this is meant to be viewed from a distance" varieties), and although it came out "ok," I prefer to know what I'm doing, so I went out and bought a new pair of scissors (OMG they cut like BUTTER!), a smallish cutting mat, and a few other essentials. I'm sending my machine in for a tune-up this week.

I was most impressed recently with some YouTube videos on the nifty techniques that quilters use in 2012: quilting as you go, a really cool curved tying needle, and some other neat tricks. I am not out to build masterpieces or anything real intricate, and I have NO time or desire to hand-stitch (although I admire those who do!). I'm just looking to make pretty quilts to give away/make for fun.

Anyway, enough blather about all that; suffice it to say that I'm looking to find tips and tricks and make my way around this wonderful world of quilting!

Oh, and a quick "hey!" to Jennie and GollyToo, since I stalked you NH-ites already

Last edited by Teeler; 12-27-2012 at 10:52 AM.
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