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Old 12-29-2012, 10:33 AM
Geri B
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Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Illinois
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I have been reading some saying some brands of thread are "not liked" by their sewing machines....I just don't understand that. How does the s/m know what kind of thread one is using? I have been sewing for a very long time, using all sorts of threads, new/old and all sorts of blends and the only time I really have to be extra careful is when using those metallic threads for embr/work and even then if using the right needle, correct speed and correct spool position it can be done. I also L/A and use either cotton or poly wrapped cotton, various weights..........If I find a thread breaks frequently while using even when all tensions, needle is correct, I have sprayed it very lightly with water, let it set a bit, or place in fridge overnite and this seems to regenerate the thread strands........just what I do, may not be for all
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