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Old 12-30-2012, 08:13 PM
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Join Date: May 2010
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We have a "store" in my little town that is called the "FREE STORE". Everything in the store is free. The churches in town have donated money to run this "store" - for the rent, utilities, etc. It is run by volunteers. They get their items from community donations. So, if we have anything we do not want, we take it to the free store. They then give things to people in need. They are only open three days a week. ANYBODY can go in there and take anything that they truly need. I am sure that some people that take things, do not really NEED the things. But, I feel good that the things that I donate, stay in the community. I used to take a gal that I met to get things once in awhile. They could not afford the insurance on their car so they parked it. So, I would take her and she would come out with loads of things for her kids, etc. Mostly garage sale leftover types of things. Not new, but still usable.
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