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Old 12-31-2012, 10:34 AM
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When I moved from one spare room to another larger room, Hubby bought the cubes organizing system from home depot and set it up into the closet. The upper cubes store fabrics and the lower cubes have fabric drawers and that made a big difference in my storage woes. He then put upper cabinets above the sewing area and attached a tube light for better lighting while sewing. A true help for me old eyes. I have the stacking plastic drawers in one corner that holds threads, quilting accessories and the like. Under the quilting table there are also drawers that have individual plastic covered boxes that hold current projects and accessories for the quilting table. A bookcase for the books and booklets a seperate small table for the serger or embroidery machine.

I think that if you go in organized, you can add on as you find the need growing. It is a very personal thing and you will know where to put what as you know where you use it.

It took me two months to originally set mine up, but, I also washed and pressed all of my fabric for the change.
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