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Old 01-01-2013, 06:38 AM
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PLEASE dont give up! I am in 3 groups at the moment. One group I stopped going going to due to family time conflicts and I just didnt' feel like I clicked with that group. That was more MY fault than theirs as I was not there consistently and didnt' have the time to devote to the the projects they were doing. One of the groups I started. Being an former AF brat, I talk to EVERYONE (just ask my family! You never know when you will have to up and move, so you BETTER make friends QUICK! lol) I would meet someone at the quilt shop or even in a coffee shop if I was working on a binding. You never know where you will meet someone who quilts! (Ask me how I know!!) If you find some one you DO click with, ask them if they know a welcoming group. There are alot of groups out there that are not guild related, so don't count that out either. ONly one of mine is a guild group. There are pros and cons on both sides.

Finally, you might search your area on this group and see if there are any quilters from around you that are members here. You might be able to start a local Quilting board group. (PS WOMEN are sometimes hard nuts to crack! I have been known to coccoon in my sewing room to be alone. Don't let a few crabby ones force you to quilt alone all the time.)
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