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Old 01-01-2013, 08:36 AM
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Location: El Paso Texas
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Maybe some of "us" older quilters are jealous because you have gotten off to such a young start and they wish they had. I did not start quilting until 10 years ago, when I was already half a century I had a family to raise and I also worked full time my entire life while raising 4 children. I am so grateful now to be at this point in my life and I am happy that you have the time and ability to start out so young, I think it is wonderful.
Now, I learned a long time ago that our attitudes are very much like mirrors. For example, when you are treated with distain or rudeness over a period of time by a certain group, you come to expect that treatment and mirror it back, without knowing, then you get more of the same mirror treatment back...make sense?
Put on a happy face, keep company with those whom you can feel comfortable and make comfortable, and as for the rest...put them out of your mind...and don't mind...because if you don't mind...they don't matter! BUT let me say one more thing...I have been guilt of thinking someone did not like me or was rude, when actually I found out later...they had a hearing problem! People who cannot hear well, often come off as aloof and uncaring.
Most importantly...give everyone the benefit of the doubt and if all else fails, take the offensive and ask a person, very nicely, "have I done something to offend you?" If I have, I did not mean to." That ALWAYS works when a person has a sour attitude, because most of the time is is unconscious. Many have been through a lot in their lives and it has left scars...while you are still fresh with your whole life ahead of you. Be patient with us oldies, we really are not that bad. I love new quilters. I recently taught two 11-year-old learning disables girls to quilt and they were delightful!
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