Old 10-25-2009, 06:07 AM
Power Poster
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 18,726

Whoa!!! Take a deep breath! Now..first...go stick that patch back on your arm to continue to quit smoking (worked for me :D )

Now...where are you in the block squaring up? I usually just find the center of my block (after I've pressed ..not ironed...) then I lay my square ruler on top finding the right dimension for 2 of the sides. For ex: if its a 6" block...I make sure that the 2 sides I am trimming are both 3 1/4" from the center. I trim, then turn the block around and do the same for the other 2 sides.

Now...anything else you need help with? I can't help you with the machine, but getting the instruction book for it would help. You can start a thread about it and I know someone on the board can help you.

Good luck and breath...and have fun!
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