Old 10-25-2009, 07:28 AM
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Originally Posted by sandpat
Whoa!!! Take a deep breath! Now..first...go stick that patch back on your arm to continue to quit smoking (worked for me :D )

Now...where are you in the block squaring up? I usually just find the center of my block (after I've pressed ..not ironed...) then I lay my square ruler on top finding the right dimension for 2 of the sides. For ex: if its a 6" block...I make sure that the 2 sides I am trimming are both 3 1/4" from the center. I trim, then turn the block around and do the same for the other 2 sides.

Now...anything else you need help with? I can't help you with the machine, but getting the instruction book for it would help. You can start a thread about it and I know someone on the board can help you.

Good luck and breath...and have fun!
Congratulations on the kicking the smoking! Everyday will get better. And a hobby (addiction) like quilting is the thing to do. You'll be replacing the "habit" with something that is fun and good for you. You do know that along with a lot of good things, quilting has been known to lower blood pressure. Truly!

As for all the projects, I'm not one to give advice because I have sooooo many unfinished projects. But I can say that I did complete my first one. I had help with each step (I had a good book as a guide -- Quilts, Qults, Quilts) and then there were quilters at my workplace [elementary school]that I could ask for advice. Sometimes I just need to SEE it.)

I know you're a little hyper right now, but that's a good thing. Use that energy. Perhaps if you just step back and evaluate all that you have done. Then pick the one that is the closest to being complete. Put all the others aside and concentrate on finishing the one that was selected. There will always be someone on this great board to help you. I have learned so much from all of these terrific people. And they're good listeners, too.

About this time last year, someone on the board issued a challenge that we work on our UFO's. Well I chose the one that I thought was the hardest one. And I did it. It wasn't perfect, but it was done. What a feeling of accomplishment! You are in my prayers. Let us know how things are going. :wink:
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