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Old 01-06-2013, 01:02 PM
Jan in VA
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I saw this show for the first time last night and couldn't decide whether it was hysterical or sad. They are very rude, even hateful to each other! Then again, it doesn't seem to bother any of them, no one gets their feelings hurt, so I guess their way of dissing each other is just a manner of communicating. It's fun how they seem to be up to try anything!!

Last night they were preparing for an apocalypse which quickly turned into a zombie apocalypse, which they acted out by walking around like zombies! Then they took karate lessons and also tried camping out to practice enduring the end times, LOL! But one of them ordered a pizza because she was hungry; the poor man who delivered it was exposed to their highest highjinks as they told him all about the coming of the end of the world. Then they had to read the eulogy written by one sister who lay on a blowup float to pretend she was dead while the others had managed to survive somehow. She had written her own eulogy about how she had made love with ALL these men and other wild things until the other sister got all mad at the "lies" and was upset!

It really was the silliest thing I'd ever seen....I have to wonder if they are for real; no one could be that stupid, really?!!

Jan in VA
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