Old 10-25-2009, 07:30 PM
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Originally Posted by omak
Originally Posted by dizzy
OK Girl i just got through with a bunch of looking an came back an seen the last message.An yes that would work an I wouldn't have to work with all them little squares for very long.
One other thing about the Indian Hatchet block or any block where you are going to do that "sew a square in the corner" technique?
Take the extra time and energy to move your needle over that half inch so that when you trim off the extra fabric? You will have created a half-square triangle unit, with a minimum of effort.
We will not even go to that place where I tell you how small of HST I have made with this technique, but I want you to know that they are NOT scraps! ... just little blocks waiting to grow up! :wink:
What I like about this idea, is when the blocks are all sewn together you have the makings of a really nice border almost done...add a few solid blocks the same size, or rectangles.... :wink: :D
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