Old 01-07-2013, 04:44 AM
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Originally Posted by DonnaC View Post
So, the other day Sandygirl posted a photo of her repurposed file cart, and I responded saying I had a similar cart in my basement. Sandygirl used hers for fabric, but I used mine in a different way.

My file cart has two drawers attached to the underside of the bottom shelf, and the hanging files are supposed to hang from the top shelf. At first, I was trying to put the drawer shelf at the top, and the plain shelf at the bottom (which isn't actually a shelf, because it was all open with no grid or anything). I found a piece of wood in my basement that could serve as a shelf. But all of a sudden - I had a brainstorm!

I left the drawer shelf at the bottom, covered the wood with layers of cotton batting, Insul-Brite and muslin, and voila! Now I have a rolling pressing surface that I can roll right up to my sewing table for ironing as I go. I have been using a tray table that I repurposed last year by covering it with batting and silver ironing board cover fabric, but this is much better and sturdier, and it's also the perfect height for pressing when I'm sitting down.

The drawers are the perfect size for holding my Best Press and spray starch, along with my quilt basting spray. I'm not sure what else will end up in there eventually! The shelf holds some of the Sterilite containers that I use for organizing my sewing room. They fit perfectly also - this was really meant to be, I'm sure.

Thanks a million, Sandygirl! And, all of the rest of you fabulous ladies who post repurposing ideas on this board. I learn something new here every single day, and I am so thankful for that.

WOWIE!! I love your set up too!! I need to borrow your idea for the pressing station! Talk about taking this idea up a huge notch! Thank you!

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