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Old 01-09-2013, 08:14 AM
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Ohhhhh! Sneeky peeks!!! I like what I see! I wish I had enough to give you a sneeky peek. I really feel the pressure. Been looking for turquoise and purple fabrics, hoping to get some inspiration. Significantly increased my stash, but not my inspiration!! Gotta do some PC surfing. It usually goes this way. Then, all of a sudden, it hits me, and I am off to the races. I hope it happens soon, as I wanted to get this one out early. Sooooooo, I am glad you are in no hurry, cause I ain't. LOL I like to coordinate the mailing with my swap partner so we receive at about the same time. Not sure if that is possible with the iffy trans continental postal service. Hows that for a mouth full. LOL
Anyway, don't you worry about the Birthday thing, I try to forget. As a matter of fact, this morning I was doing the math thing trying to figure out how old I will be. I think I will stick with 49 for a couple more years. LOL
And I am oh so jelous! I wish I could go the the shack and sew. Does it have electricity? Do you have a sewing machine, or do you do hand work while there? My DBIL has a cabin up north that we can use, but he closes it down in the winter. Says he can't keep the drive clear. OH POOOO!! There is a huge hill right there that is begging to be sled on. Have fun up there, and I am so glad to hear the fires are down some.
I think I have a great sense of humor. Sometimes it comes off a little off though, cause I tend to say things to people I don't know very well, and they just look at me like I'm nuts. I have to explain that it was a joke. By then it is to late. LOL If you have to explain it, it ain't funny. Ya think?!?
On the note of inspirations, I like to look through my magazines, even sales stuff with ideas on them. This board gives me lots of inspiration. And I have been inpired to try lots of new techniques. When you are working on something small, if you make a mistake, or don't like the technique, smaller IS better. I think that is why I am so stressed out about this month. Everything I can think of, I have already done. I want to do something new. It will come to me.
I like the idea of a DQ theme based on a cute/inspirations/silly quote or saying. Maybe have each person that signs up submit a couple that they really like and their partner can choose something from that list, and/or have their own inspiration. The posting would give you an idea of what that person likes, at any rate. That way no one would be offended. Like someone who doesn't like animals geting something about pets, or an athiest getting something spiritual. (I tried to pick 2 very extreme cases to make my point). Who don't love animals, not a quilter that I know!! Just cause you don't have them, don't mean you don't like them. OK, now I am just rambling. Bye for now.
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