Old 01-10-2013, 10:38 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Vancouver Island, Beautiful BC
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Try different tortillas, some are great cold.

DH and the kids love what we call banana burritos. Spread cream cheese and PB on a tortilla, place a whole peeled banana in the middle and roll it up. The PB and cream cheese will seal the banana in and it will not discolour. Wrap in plastic wrap. These can be made the night before and taste great.

Vegies, with or without dip. Carrots, celery, snap peas, cherry tomatoes etc, are all low calorie and full of nutrients and easy to eat.

Fresh fruit, less expensive than the fruit cups, no extra sugar and all the nutrients. Is it that hard to peel a banana or mandarin orange? You do not have to cut up or peel an apple, grapes, fresh berries etc.

Does he like pickles? Some days I like a mixed plate of cheese, meat and crackers, with some pickles. It changes things up a bit. Pickled beets are one of my favourites.

Yoghurt is good if you like dairy products, an ice pack will keep it fresh, just remember to put in a spoon.

Me, I like bean or grain based salads with lots of vegies. I used to eat it cold, but we just got a microwave at work so I can warm it up now.

I drink water, not juice, I am lucky to live in a community with really good tasting water right out of the tap.

When I had a long commute I found it to be really important to have a snack to eat on my way home, otherwise I was famished before I even started to cook dinner and tempted to snack. My usual snack was an apple.
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