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Old 10-26-2009, 06:18 PM
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agonizing over block placement isn't a bad thing ... it was just your way of resting until you go into your next flurry!
I don't spend a lot of time with the placement, but before I settle on what I think is okay, I ask hubby to come in and offer his opinion. He almost always has something to suggest, or he will ask a question and depending on my answer, he will suggest something.
If I like his suggestion, then I go ahead and change something, and, if I don't change something, then I can rest assured that I have a good product. Since he doesn't quilt (and cannot understand why anyone would take perfectly good fabric, cut it up into little pieces and then sew it all back together again) ... his novice eye happens to see the things most people see or do not see ... he is a big help!
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