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Old 01-14-2013, 03:56 AM
grammy1231's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Florida/Mn...heart in Mn
Posts: 36
Lightbulb Oh man

Originally Posted by SewCrazy4Quilts View Post
Serious question here....It's almost becoming an addiction. LOL

Please tell me I'm not alone.
You are definitely NOT ALONE!!!! I have to physically just stay away from that end of town. I have a routine, it goes like this (if I accidentally browse fabric on the internet, or accidentally end up in a fabric store)
Q: Do you need it NOW??
A: No, but.... (wrong answer, no "buts" allowed)
Q: Will you use it in the next 6-12 mos?
A: No, but...(wrong answer, no "buts" allowed)
Q: Will it affect your health or well being?
A: YES!!
Q: Will your sewing endeavors stop if you dont get it??
A: No but... (wrong answer, no "buts" allowed )

Then I tally up the answers, if I get just one yes, I go for it....I usually end up feeling guilty....but my health and well being are great!!
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