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Old 01-14-2013, 05:25 PM
Grandma Mary
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Michigan
Posts: 757

I bought (at JoAnns) what looks like a very large pill holder...the kind with several compartments in a row that are for each day of the week. Just look for it in their storage container department. I LOVE it. Be sure each "door" to each section is wide enough for one of the cards of needles. I can actually fit three cards into each section. I have each type of needle in a different section (universal, top stitch etc.). Also, when I put a needle into my machine, I use one of those tiny pony tail holders around the container to remind me what type of needle is in the machine. Since I have two machines, I use two different colors of pony tail bands...Pink for my Pfaff...and Blue for my Brother! It has saved me a lot of confusion trying to remember what needle is in what machine. The container also fits in the side pocket of my wheeled cart that I take to my LQS when I take classes or go to worker bees, wouldn't be without it!
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