Old 01-15-2013, 12:07 AM
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I'm not in the same room as my rolling cart so here are other supplies I can remember that I take in it.
--Sewing Machine+ foot pedal+ electrical cord+ the foot or more that I'll need.
--Pattern, Fabric, Thread for that day's project. Those cannot be borrowed!
--Pins...straight and also safety pins
--Pin cushion you mentioned, but with my magnetic one, I never drop any pins.
--Cutting Mat.......I have the kind with an iron "board" on the other side.
--Rulers..... that fit or can be secured outside of cart......you just never know what you might need.
--Masking Tape.... it can help mark any size seam allowance ie 1/4" or other, also can help hold on binding,
also can use to make your sewing line instead of chalking or marking.
--Pencil,pen, scrap paper... for notes to pin on ie block pieces
--Piece of white Paper or Batting.....put behind needle to see the thread better for threading (if machine doesn't do it).
--Reading Glasses or small Magnifying Glass to keep in kit (never take out at home!)
--Thread Catch-All......piece of batting or felt...it's easy to toss when time to leave.
--Small Screwdriver.....in case thread gets really stuck
--Instruction Book for machine (lies flat on the bottom of case)......to troubleshoot or be reminded how to do tasks.
--Iron.... I have room in my cart (a tapestry-looking "bag" that zips).
--Extension Cord in case the plug is too far away for my machine's cord to reach.
--Bunge Cord connects a secondary, smaller bag on top and secures the cutting board and tall ruler.
--My Rolling Cart came with another smaller bag + a flat holder (opens like book) with plastic pockets for small items.
The book fits inside the case. Everything else is kept in zip-lock storage bags,heat-resistant iron holder-bag too.
--When I get to my Quilt Club, it takes 2min to bunge-cord the second bag etc then I just walk with my easy-to-pull
rolling cart. So far, I've never been without a tool. I'm careful to always retrieve anything someone borrowed.

Last edited by quiltswithdogs; 01-15-2013 at 12:15 AM.
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