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Old 01-15-2013, 07:47 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Indiana
Posts: 450

I think everyone should shop where they find fabric that meets THEIR needs and the qp be damned.

I do with that I had given my Mamaw better fabrics. I have always sewn and I always gave her my scraps which she made into quilts - that we use! I have an Around the World that she made for my college graduation in 1990. She used fabrics I gave her. The navy with tiny white polka dots (Easter dress 1987) now looks gray. I do believe it was a Cloth World fabric. There is a green that I made maternity dress from that I thought should have worn out but is still going strong.

These quilts aren't works of art to other people but they are to my family because the generate so many stories. I think we are missing that with all of our quilt shop fabrics!
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