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Old 01-17-2013, 10:55 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 235

Well I guess I am the odd ball out but you asked the question and I will share my thoughts. I would leave the machine for several reasons, please do not be upset with me when I share this but to me it is truth and then I may be too late to off this information.
1. You are very blessed with the machines that you have. You have more than one and they will do what you need done.
2. If you cannot afford it don't let the temptation have control. If you overcome this temptation, you may be blessed with something better later. Don't get it because others have said they have it.
3. The lady wanted to donate it for a good cause, don't block that cause, you could stop a person who has no machine from getting one at a very reasonable price. This is just a possibility.
4. I would not share anything with you that I have not gone through myself. I love material and I have quite a bit of it. Many times I would go and get fabric and not make anything out of it. It was the greed in my heart that was ruling me not the need that I have. So with a lot of discipline, I am not getting material until I have brought this very huge stash of mine done. I know I will get talked about but this but it is just my throughts.

I hope you make a good decision.
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