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Old 01-17-2013, 10:35 PM
Grace creates
Super Member
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Hampstead N.C.
Posts: 1,870

Hi, I do consider myself a quilt artist who is passionate about my quilting and piecing. However, due to a limited budget I have to make wise choices and I think that is probably taught me to not get carried away with gadgets. I have bought fabric at thrift stores and got really top notch stuff. In addition I use coupons at Joanne's and also buy at the LQS and wish I had a LQS where I am currently living. However, I have stayed in my budget and gained so many hours of enjoyment and I also made lovely quilts. I do think some quilters spend so much more than I but if they are truly enjoying themselves that's good. I also see other's that buy, buy, buy and never make a darn thing. I can only hope I pass by their yard sale the day they decide to downsize.
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